
Monday, December 6, 2010

Super Soft Japanese Sweet Bun

Salam semua.....!

Baru2 nih teruja tengok roti kat dapur anawahid katanya asal dr dapur Gert. So akak pi dapur Gert, bila baca komen nya lagi lah k Noor teruja kuasa dua......rasa cam dang2 tu nak uli roti. Tapi akhirnya k Noor sinsing lengan jugak uli roti..kononnyalah padahal makcik Ken yg uli....hahahaha

Hasilnya ................jeng jeng jeng >>>>>>>>>>>>>
SGT GEBUSSS... terimakasih lah kpd empunya resepi dan rakan2 blogger yg tolong promote resepi ni. Tak sia2 cuba. Lepas ni nak wat roti daging pulak guna doh ni, tapi stok tpg dah abissss maaa..nampaknya kena gi buat pelaburan kat Bagus lah lagi ni...kalau g Bagus busuk2 terbang gak RM50 w/pun kadang2 hajat nak beli tpg je...

Ini adunan doh yg telah diuli oleh makcik Ken Wood ....doh dah anjal tu, sampai boleh tarik panjang gitu
Ni nak keluarkan doh dr makcik Ken, doh dah licin w/pun lembik skit tapi senang nak gentel sbb dah tersgt lah licin...

Sebahagian doh akak buat roti jalin...dan selebihnya akak buat bun manis biasa.

Tengok texturenya, perghhhhhhhh SUPER SOFT .....! K Noor cukup puas hati. Makan bun nih bersama teh O panas musim2 hujan ni terangkat

Makes 16 buns

Sori tuan empunya resepi, akak ubahsuai sket buat penggabungjalinan resepi ni dgn resepi soft butter bun Channel2004

[Ingredients] -akak copy n paste dr rumah Gert
375g bread flour
100g plain flour -
guna tpg superfine
35g milk powder
75g caster sugar -
guna 60 g aje, gula mahal oiii..!
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 sachet (7g or 2 1/2 tsp) instant dry yeast
1 egg, lightly beaten
150ml (approx.) lukewarm water, adjust as necessary -
k Noor guna semua, bukan apa terlajak daaaa pi tuang sumer...tapi akhirnya bila uli2 nampak cam lembik sgt akak tmbah 2 sdb tpg lagi..just nice..doh lembik tak pe..nanti roti nya moist
40g butter, cubed -
guna 50 g

dan akak tambah setitis pewarna kuning dlm doh kasi menarik cam bun manis yg kat kedai tu

Water-Roux Paste :
25g (just under 2 tbsp) bread flour
125ml (1/2 cup) water

Water-Roux :
Mix flour and water in a small saucepan. Cook over low to medium heat, stirring continuously until it reaches 65ÂșC. It should have thickened to a paste at this stage, that is when you stir you can see the bottom of the pan. Remove from heat, place a cling film over the paste and leave until lukewarm, or room temperature, before using. (Alternatively if you don’t have a thermometer, cook as before until it starts to thicken, then continue to cook for about 1 more minute before removing from heat.) This water roux can be kept in an airtight container after cooling in the refrigerator for 1 day if not used immediately. However DO NOT USE if it turns grey in colour, that means it has gone bad.

For the Bun Dough:

1. Sift bread flour, plain flour, milk powder, caster sugar and salt onto the working surface. Add instant dry yeast and mix well. Form the flour mixture into a well. Add lightly beaten egg and lukewarm water roux and mix in. Gradually add just enough lukewarm water to form into a slightly sticky, soft dough. Knead for 10 minutes until smooth and elastic. During hand kneading, the dough also needs to be thrown onto the working surface once every few minutes between kneading to improve the dough structure. (I usually just pick up the dough to about head-high and throw it down onto the working surface 10 to 20 times every few minutes between kneading.)
2. Knead in butter until incorporated. (In many cookbooks, they mentioned that the dough at this stage should be able to be pulled and stretched into membrane, but it’s hard to achieve with hand kneading. I usually stop kneading when the dough sticks to the work surface and stretches like chewing gum when pulled!) Form the dough into a round ball and let it rise until double in size in a large greased bowl, cover with cling film (should take about 1 hour in warm weather, longer in winter months). Optimum room temperature for this first prove is 28°C with a humidity of 75%. To test if the dough has risen properly, dip a finger into bread or plain flour and poke down into the centre of the dough as far as your finger will go and pull out again – the hole should remain if it is ready. If the dough springs back, then it is not ready, continue to prove further.
3. Punch down, knead briefly and form into a ball shape. Then divide into 16 equal portions. The easiest way is to first divide equally into 4 larger portions first, then divide each of these again into quarters each. Form each into balls and let rest for 10 minutes.

4. Shape and fill the buns according to recipe. Place all finished buns on a greased baking sheet, lightly cover with cling film, and let rise until double in size (about 1 hour in warm weather, longer in winter months). Optimum room temperature for this final prove is 38°C with a humidity of 85%.

5. Bake in preheated 190°C oven for about 12 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown.


  1. Resepi roti yang guna water roux memang lembut, tak letak telur pun dah ok. Memang elastik betul doh tu...dok uli dgn tangan tak mampu nak jadik sampai macam
    Selamat Tahun Baru kak Noor.

  2. adusss...kak ma...sedapnya nampak...tapi kalau dapat rase aghi sedap huhuhuhu

    nak kena suruh joe beli mixer gini huhuhuhuhu

  3. salam maal hijrah buat kak Noor & family ya..
    semuga kita mendapat keberkatannya..insyaallah

  4. Maisya, uli tgn lama sket la...sampai kuar ketul2 kat lengan hehehehe..

    Ulin, beli jgn tak beli....

    Ayu, sama2 lah kita doakan yg terbaik dr NYA..

  5. salam, amboi.. gebusnya lotiiiii..!
